Review the Certification Candidate Manual
Prior to applying for the exam, candidates should read and fully understand the content of the Certification Candidate Manual as it provides essential information about the program.
When registering for the certification exam, candidates are required to agree to abide by the policies in the Certification Candidate Manual.
The application for the exam is a two-step process.
Step 1: Applicants must first establish eligibility through an Eligibility Assessment by the registration deadline (including submission of all required documentation to CLCC).
Step 2: Once applicants have verified eligibility, they may register for the exam of their choice. Once registered, individuals will receive an email from our testing agency with information on how to select your exam date, location, and time.
Please note that your government-issued ID that you will present on exam day must bear the same name as that which was used to register for the exam.

Testing Locations
Computer-based examinations are delivered through ISO Quality Testing (IQT), to provide globally dispersed examinees with a secure, high-quality, accessible, and user-friendly testing experience.
IQT maintains relationships with commercial testing centers with personnel specifically trained to administer examinations. ACLP does not control the location of testing centers; they are determined by IQT.
Certification Exam Schedule
Eligibility must be established by these registration deadlines, including submission of all required documentation.
The corresponding testing windows are also shown.
Certification Exam Fees
The following are the fees (USD) to register for the Child Life Certification Exam.

Special Testing Accommodations
The Child Life Certification Commission is committed to upholding the Americans with Disabilities Act. All US examination sites are fully accessible and compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Special testing accommodations require documentation and are scheduled subject to approval upon review of the required documentation. Information given to CLCC about candidate disabilities and testing needs is confidential. There are no additional fees associated with the provision of special accommodations to persons with disabilities.
Candidates for whom English is a foreign language and/or those with a visual, orthopedic, speech or hearing impairment, other health or physical impairment, a specific learning disability, or a psychological or mental disorder that requires modifications to the usual testing environment can apply for special accommodations. Only those candidates who have been granted this approval in advance will receive special accommodations during testing.
To apply, please complete the Special Testing Accommodations request form below. Requests for special accommodations must be submitted along with the exam registration at least two weeks prior to the registration deadline.
Candidates requesting testing accommodations must NOT schedule their exam through the exam administration agency's website as a rescheduling fee may apply; they will be contacted by a representative of our testing partner, SMT/IQT/Prometric, to make testing arrangements.