Academic Requirements to Become a Certified Child Life Specialist
There are two academic requirements to become a Certified Child Life Specialist:
Bachelor's degree
Specific coursework which can be obtained by graduating from an ACLP-Endorsed Academic program or by completing 10 specific college courses (see more on these two options below)
Graduating from an ACLP-Endorsed Academic Program
If an individual graduates from an ACLP-Endorsed Academic Program, this will satisfy the academic requirements to apply to take the Child Life Certification Exam.
The purpose of program endorsement is to promote the interests of students through improving the quality of teaching, learning, and professional practice.

Option 2: Obtaining Specific Coursework
If an individual does not graduate from an ACLP-Endorsed Academic Program, they can obtain the required academic coursework needed to take the Child Life Certification Exam by completing 10 specific college courses.
Those courses are:
- 1 child life course taught by a CCLS
- 2 child development courses
- 1 family systems course
- 1 play course
- 1 loss/bereavement or death/dying course
- 1 research course
- 3 additional courses in related areas
Pre-Approval of Academic Courses
Academic course pre-approval is a voluntary process by which graduate and undergraduate programs can identify which of their course offerings would be accepted towards the academic eligibility requirements for certification.
The pre-approval process evaluates a program's course(s) utilizing course descriptions, syllabi, and other materials to make a determination as to whether or not the course fulfills requirements. If pre-approved, academic programs can provide assurance to their students that their course will meet the certifications requirements.
FAQs: Academic Requirements
Read the frequently asked questions related to the academic requirements necessary to sit for the Child Life Certification Exam.
Glossary of Terms
The following is a list of terms and definitions commonly utilized during the becoming certified process.