Exam Day
Computer-based testing exam appointments are made based on the operating schedule of each testing center. Candidates have four hours in which to complete the exam.
At the discretion of the site administrator, candidates may be admitted to the exam up to 20 minutes late. Late arrivals will be required to sign a statement acknowledging that they will receive no extra time to complete the exam.
What to Bring to the Exam
What to Expect
Candidates may use the restroom or water fountain during the exam. Only one person will be permitted to leave the room at a time, and candidates will not be permitted to make up the time lost while away from the exam. If you wish to use the restroom or drinking fountain, raise your hand, and the proctor will assist you.
Computer-based testing carries an inherent risk of connectivity issues. Candidates who experience technical difficulties that affect their performance must report these to the proctor immediately (prior to receiving their exam result) and contact Schroeder Measurement Technologies, Inc. immediately after leaving the testing center to report the problem.
You will receive a preliminary score report before leaving the testing center. The scores will be subjected to a statistical analysis and there is a very slight chance that they will change. You will be notified if there is a change to your score. Once your results are posted in your ACLP Online User Profile, they are considered final.

Restricted Items
Candidates are asked to bring as few items as possible to the test center. Please do not bring books, papers, calculators, slide rules, rulers, pagers, phones, etc. Food and beverages are not allowed in the testing room unless prior approval has been given for medical reasons.
Water is allowed but must in in a clear or transparent container with a lid or cap. All labels must be removed, and the container will be inspected for notes or other test aides. The candidate will need to remove the lid/cap for visual inspection by the Test Center staff. Should the container not meet the requirements outlined, the candidate will be required to put it in their locker and will not be allowed to take it into the test room.
ACLP and the CLCC are not responsible for personal items brought to the testing center.
Exam Security
Any candidate who gives or receives assistance, or whose behavior is disruptive during the examination, will be required to leave the room. The candidate’s answers will not be scored, and the situation will be reported to the Child Life Certification Commission. Any candidate who observes inappropriate behavior should report it to testing administrators. To detect potential fraud, the performance of all candidates is monitored and may be analyzed statistically.
The entire item (question) bank, examination materials, and each form of the examination are the property of CLCC. Distribution of exam content or materials through any form of reproduction, including oral and written communication, is strictly prohibited and punishable by law. Any individual who removes or attempts to remove examination material from the test site will be prosecuted; this includes memorization of exam questions.
Discussion of exam content with other candidates following the exam is considered a breach of examination security.
Test development and security requirements prevent CLCC from releasing test questions or other specific exam content to anyone, under any circumstances.
Changes to your exam day
The following describes what to do in each scenario that impacts an individual's ability to take the exam.
Retaking the Exam
Candidates can only take the exam once per testing window, therefore, candidates are allowed to sit for the examination three times per year and will be administered a different test form with each attempt. All published registration deadlines and examination fees apply when retaking the examination.
After three attempts, a candidate must skip an administration (testing window) of the examination. If they fail a fourth time, candidates must skip another administration of the examination prior to taking a fifth time. Candidates are limited to taking the examination 5 times. Additional attempts require the approval of the Appeals Committee.
When a candidate is required to skip an examination administration, the candidate is encouraged to seek out learning opportunities and coursework to gain further information regarding the child life profession and skills.
If eligibility requirements have changed since the last examination attempt, a candidate must re-establish eligibility prior to retaking the examination. A new Eligibility Assessment must be completed in such cases.
The Child Life Certification Commission constantly works to improve the testing process, and we strongly encourage candidates to provide feedback prior to leaving the testing room.
Examinees will be given the opportunity to comment on the examination administration, content, or any of its elements prior to leaving the examination room. Exam proctors will provide instruction on this process
Any concerns about the testing site and/or proctors should be reported immediately and noted on the exit survey at the end of the examination and before receipt of the exam results.