Legacy Gifts to ACLP
Ensure a meaningful legacy for the child life profession by including ACLP in your estate planning. Making a bequest to ACLP makes a permanent statement of your philanthropic values and commitment to the child life profession.
Creating a legacy gift can be as simple as naming the ACLP in your will or life insurance policy. Your legacy gift can help ACLP continue to successfully achieve our mission for many years to come.
Benefits of a Legacy Gift
Benefits of making a legacy gift include:
- Satisfaction of knowing your life’s work will live on in supporting the child life community and the children and families served by the child life profession.
- Contributing to a stable, economically sound and valued organization, with programs that benefit thousands of child life professionals.
- Possible savings on federal estate taxes.
- The freedom to change your mind and your bequest at any time.
Your legacy gift can help ACLP continue to successfully achieve our mission for many years to come.

Financial Gifts
Legacy gifts can be left to specific funds to support restricted giving bequests. Examples of this include:
Scholarships & Awards
Leadership & Program Development
While it is not necessary, ACLP appreciates being notified of plans to name the organization in your will or as a beneficiary to your life insurance policy. All gifts to ACLP are subject to the ACLP gift acceptance policy and we are happy to discuss your giving plans in order to ensure that your philanthropic goals are met with your bequest.
For more information on how to include the ACLP in your estate planning, please contact your financial or legal advisor.