
Internship Accreditation

At the June 2023 ACLP Board of Directors meeting, the decision was made to decommission the internship accreditation program in its present structure. 

The Internship Excellence Task Force will work to reimagine, revise, and implement a sustainable process to support and recognize high-quality clinical training programs and supervision.

Currently accredited programs will have the ability to maintain their internship accreditation through the end of their five-year cycle if they submit their annual maintenance forms and fees and adhere to the internship accreditation standards. Internship programs also have the option to not move forward with their accreditation maintenance.

Accredited Internship Program List

The accredited internship program list is a comprehensive list of all currently accredited programs. ACLP members are able to click on the hospital name to see additional information about the internship program.

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View the Accredited Internship Programs

Internship Accreditation


The following resources were designed to support internship programs which are accredited.

Internship Accreditation

Grievance Guidelines & Form

ACLP defines the accreditation of clinical internships in child life as an indicator that a program meets the minimum standards and requirements set forth in the Standards for Academic and Clinical Preparation Programs in Child Life.

The grievance form is intended to be submitted when there is a concern that an accredited internship is in violation of one or more of the set accreditation standards. All allegations will be reviewed and determined if further investigation is needed.

Examples of behaviors and events that constitute a formal grievance can be found in the Grievance Guidelines document.

Download the Form