Revised ACLP Bylaws Overview (1200 × 460 px) (1200 × 250 px)


On August 1, the ACLP voting members were requested to vote on proposed revisions to the Bylaws of ACLP. Individuals eligible to vote have been notified by email that voting is now open with the link to vote.


The current ACLP Bylaws need to be revised for two main reasons:

  • The Child Life Certification Commission (CLCC) is now its own 501(c)6 and because of this, the Bylaws had to be revised to accommodate this new organizational structure.
  • ACLP is seeking to reflect its organizational dedication and transformative efforts towards anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion into the Bylaws so that our organization’s governance reflects our values.


When was this work completed and who was involved?

  • May 2023: ACLP Bylaws Revisions Workgroup was formed. The workgroup consisted of members from the ACLP Board of Directors, the ACLP Governance Committee, and the ACLP Nominating Committee.
  • May 2023: The workgroup incorporated recommendations from the Board Diversification Task Force, Nominating Committee, and Governance Audit consultant to make proposed revisions.
  • June 2023: ACLP legal counsel reviewed and approved the revised Bylaws.
  • June 2023: ACLP Board of Directors voted at the board meeting to submit the proposed Bylaws revisions to the ACLP voting membership.
  • August 2023: Voting opened for ACLP voting membership.
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Revised ACLP Bylaws Overview (1200 × 460 px) (1200 × 250 px) (1200 × 100 px) (1200 × 150 px) (1)

The following are major changes included in the Bylaws revisions that are necessary because of the switch to the CLCC being a 501(c)6:

  • Added to Article II: “The Child Life Council shall also serve as the sole voting member of the Child Life Certification Commission, a DC nonprofit corporation, subject to Child Life Certification Commission's bylaws.”
  • Updated Article X to read: “The Child Life Certification Commission (CLCC) was established as a separate corporation to oversee the Certified Child Life Specialist certification program. CLC is the sole voting member of CLCC.”
  • UPdated Article VIII (Section 1): To denote roles with the separation: “The President of CLC shall have leadership oversight of the affairs of the CLC.”.
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Revised ACLP Bylaws Overview (1200 × 460 px) (1200 × 250 px) (1200 × 100 px) (1200 × 150 px)

The following are major changes included in the Bylaws revisions that are necessary to align ACLP Bylaws with current DEI goals:

1. Change: ACLP Membership will no longer be voting on a slate of candidates for the board. Instead, the ACLP Board of Directors will be the entity voting on the slate. ACLP Members can still apply to participate on the Board of Directors.

DEI Outcome: ACLP has continually received inquiries from members expressing a lack of understanding and confusion around the purpose and value of voting for the ACLP and CLCC slates when there is an uncontested slate. Some members do not seem to find this meaningful, and their voting apathy exhibits it. When members consistently see an uncontested slate, they are less likely to take the time to cast their vote or be involved in the process if the outcome is going to be the same regardless of their participation.

This change will help to garner more enthusiasm for participating in the process by members being encouraged to apply to be on the Board of Directors.

2. Change: ACLP Nominating Committee Members will no longer be selected by the Nominating Committee Chair. Under the revisions, Nominating Committee Members will be selected by the ACLP Board of Directors.

DEI Outcome: Currently, only one person (nominating committee chair) selects all the nominating committee members. With the Board of Directors appointing the nominating committee members, a larger group of people are involved in the process to ensure diversity of thought and perspectives.

Additionally, a methodical matrix of various representations (i.e., geographical region, years of experience, child life role, racial and gender diversity) has been implemented to guide decision-making. Individuals will be selected to meet requirements within the matrix to ensure diverse representation.

3. Change: ACLP Nominating Committee Members must also be ACLP Members.

DEI Outcome: The Board’s full intention is to only have ACLP members on the nominating committee to ensure that all members are adhering to the requirements of participating in ACLP (i.e. completing the new DEI committee member course).*
*In the past, the Nominating Committee charter did not specify that committee members had to be ACLP members. However, The Nominating Committee charter is currently under review and will include the requirement for nominating committee members to be ACLP members in congruency with our ACLP committee infrastructure policy. A revision to the ACLP Committee Infrastructure policy has also been suggested to add clarity that all ACLP committees are to be comprised of ACLP members.

4. Change: Pronouns were updated in Article XVIII

DEI Outcome: To promote language inclusivity, pronouns were updated from his or her to their.

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2023 Bylaws Revisions - FAQs

  • What is the timeline for voting on the proposed Bylaws revisions?

  • Why the change from membership voting on a slate to only the Board of Directors voting on the slate?

  • Would these proposed Bylaws revisions be revisited?

  • Can non-ACLP members be a part of the Nominating Committee?

  • How were Nomininating Committee Members chosen previously? How is it different in the proposed revisions and how does that help increase diversity of the slate?

  • Will there be an Associations Updates meeting for membership to hear more about these changes?

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Revised ACLP Bylaws Overview (1200 × 460 px) (1200 × 250 px) (1200 × 100 px) (1200 × 150 px) (3)

ACLP Bylaws

  • Article 1: Name

  • Article II: Purpose

  • Article III: Membership

  • Article IV: Nominations & Elections

  • Article V: Board of Directors

  • Article VI: Officers

  • Article VII: Executive Committee

  • Article VIII: Duties of Officers

  • Article IX: Committees and Task Forces

  • Article X: CLC Certification Commission

  • Article XI: Annual & Special Meetings

  • Article XII: Fiscal Year

  • Article XIII: Staff

  • Article XIV: Parliamentary Authority

  • Article XV: Amendments to Bylaws

  • Article XVI: Contracts, Checks, Deposits, and Funds

  • Article XVII: Books and Records

  • Article XVIII: Indemnification

  • Article XVIX: Non-Profit Status Dissolution

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