
In This Issue


  2 From the Executive Editor
  3 ACLP President's Perspective
  4 ACLP CEO Shares
  5 Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
  7 Key Takeaways from the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Workshop
I Love Thursdays
13 When an RN Needs Help at Home... Child Life is MY Hero
16 Scenes from the Life: How COVID-19 Affected Child Life Practices in Pediatric Emergency Departments Throughout New York City
20 ALPHABET 2.0: W Is for Work: From Burnout to Balance
26 BEYOND THE CLASSROOM: Creating a Student Journal Club: Child Life Journals and Journeys 
28 RESEARCH CORNER: Improving Comfort Levels Around End-of-Life and Conducting Research in the Clinical Setting
31 LOOSE PARTS: Myringotomy Tubes
34 SPECIALIZED RESOURCES: Resources for Working with Nonverbal Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
36 ACLP Calendar
37 ACLP Webinars

Two Hands
