
Welcome to the Board Room

ACLP Bulletin  |  Summer 2023  |  Vol. 41, No. 3

Lindsay Heering, MS, CCLS
ACLP Immediate Past-President

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ACLP Board of Directors at the June 2023 board meeting

Each spring, the ACLP Board of Directors welcomes incoming Board members. A Board manual and orientation is provided, and incoming Board members observe the Spring Board meeting to learn how these meetings function, before being expected to participate and vote. The Board book, inclusive of committee board reports, previous meeting minutes, ACLP Headquarters report, and supplemental documents, is posted for Board members to review two weeks prior to Board meetings. In preparation, Board members are expected to review all documents and engage on Basecamp, our project management platform, with questions and feedback. This helps the Board ensure all voices are heard and increases efficiency of Board meetings. Additionally, new Board members are paired with mentors for their first year of service to aid in their preparation for their fiduciary duty.

At the Spring 2023 Board meeting, the Board welcomed incoming Board members Janelle Mitchell and Alyssa Luksa as Directors and Tracey Craddock as the Child Life Certification Commission (CLCC) Liaison. Sarah Patterson transitioned into the role of President-Elect and Riley Hammond into the role of Treasurer; both previously served as Directors on the 2022-2023 Board. Additionally, the Board expresses sincere gratitude for outgoing 2022-2023 Board members Quinn Franklin (Immediate Past President) Teresa Schoell (Treasurer), and Monica Gibson (CLCC Liaison) for their service, hard work, dedication, and commitment to advancing the ACLP and child life profession.

The Board functions at a strategic level and maintains oversight for the vision and direction of the association connecting all decisions to our strategic plan and considering the associations’ resources, finances, wide array of programs, and critical issues facing the association and child life profession. The Spring Board meeting included several major topics of discussion. These topics were covered on Day 1, allowing the opportunity for processing and further discussion on Day 2.

Internship Accreditation:

The following motions were passed.

-Motion to decommission the internship accreditation program as it stands today.
-Motion to reimagine, revise, and implement a sustainable process to support and recognize high-quality clinical training programs.
-Motion to provide currently accredited programs with the ability to maintain their internship accreditation status through the end of their five-year cycle if they submit their annual maintenance forms and fees and adhere to the internship accreditation standards.

Based on consultant recommendations and overall Board discussion, there was clear support for high standards; however, ACLP cannot operationally sustain the internship accreditation program as it stands today. Consideration was given to: 1) expanding the pathway to the profession and an inclusive approach to all types and sizes of clinical programs and 2) pivoting to training for new internship programs, internship coordinators, and rotation supervisors. 

Academic Excellence Task Force (AETF):

This task force proposed the following motion:

-Whereas the Co-Chairs as part of the Association of Child Life Professionals, Academic Excellence Task Force, we make the motion that these final recommendations of changes to the academic endorsement process be considered and approved fully or in part by the Board of Directors.
-Primary recommendation: “ACLP should offer an accreditation rather than endorsement process for child life  academic programs.”

There was robust dialogue related to the task force’s recommendation to pursue accreditation for academic programs. The Board understands and recognizes the importance of academic accreditation and sees it as a valuable designation for academia. This motion was not passed as written. The Board voted to create an expansive group (including the AETF chairs) to explore and determine the feasibility of academic accreditation. Considerations will include the strategic, operational, and financial impact for academic programs as well as organizational impact to ACLP. In the meantime, academic endorsement will continue. Subsequently, the AETF charge was completed; therefore, that task force was decommissioned.

Staffing Crisis & Pathway to the Profession Think Tank:

Recommendations from our think tank participants were compiled with associated timelines, organizational and financial impact, and suggested committee/task force alignment. The Board considered the need for prioritization, alignment with the 2022-2024 strategic plan, and a parking lot for consideration within the 2025-2028 strategic plan. 


Revisions are necessary since the CLCC has become its own 501(c)6 organization, and the ACLP aims to reflect its organizational dedication and transformative efforts towards anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion. The motion below was passed. Voting to approve our revised bylaws is currently underway, and voting members are encouraged to vote.

-Whereas the ACLP Bylaws Work Group as part of the Association of Child Life Professionals, we make the motion that the revised bylaws be approved by the Board of Directors.

The next Board meeting is this month (virtual) followed by an in-person meeting in November. More Board updates will be shared in the ACLP Bulletin Winter issue.
