
Don't miss the chance to chat with authors about topics in the winter issue of ACLP Bulletin. This is also an opportunity to talk about submitting an article for ACLP Bulletin. Share your ideas with the editors! Your feedback on the submission process is welcome.

Click here for more information.

In This Issue


  2 From the Executive Editor
  3 ACLP President's Perspective
  4 ACLP CEO Shares
  5 Farewell to Jen
  8 ALPHABET 2.0: X is for Patient eXperience: The Patient Voice
12 The Common Thread of Language

16 A Familiar Room: Creating 360 Degree Photo Preparation Tools through Street View by Google
20 I Can: Supporting Trauma-Informed Care through a Patient-Directed Intervention
26 Point/Counterpoint: Licensure
30 Grow, Release, Identify, Empower, and Fulfill (G.R.I.E.F.) Program: An Educational Program about 
Grief and Loss

34 Child Life in Extreme Circumstances
38 Loose Parts: Creating and Constructing Burn Debridement, Layer by Layer
42 Book Review: Caring for Patients from Different Cultures
ACLP Calendar
45 ACLP Webinars

Two Hands
