
ACLP Committee Updates


ACLP Bulletin  |  Winter 2023  |  Vol. 41, No. 1


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CLCC Transition to a 501 (c)(6)
This Work Group will complete the necessary tasks to establish the Child Life Certifying Commission (CLCC) as a 501(c)(6) to work with staff to review documents provided by legal counsel such as bylaws, governing, and resource sharing documents. This status will allow for certification activities to proceed without income tax liability. Certification revenue in the nonprofit space is considered Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT). ACLP will still maintain financial and legal oversight of the new Child Life Certification Commission. No impact on programs as a result of this change. 

Academic Excellence Task Force

AETF found through benchmarking related professions and our own profession that academic institutions and professions value accreditation and recognize it as a valuable process for recognizing academic excellence. We have identified challenges and provided suggestions to the ACLP Board of Directors for increasing diversity related to the process of recognizing high quality educational standards.

Archives Management
The Archives Committee has updated the online submission for child life program histories. We are looking for histories from both clinical and academic programs. You can submit a program history here:

The Awards Committee reviewed applications for the MBA, DSA, and Research Awards. We are excited to share the 2023 winners during Child Life Month.

Board Diversification Task Force
This task force is currently observing the new Board of Directors interview process; providing feedback on nominating documents and processes; and making recommendations for changes based on observations and best DEI practices are in the process of being planned. 

The CLCC is currently working towards National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) accreditation and turning into a 501c6. We also are currently working with Prometric for item development (question and exam development) and a job analysis.

Conference Program

We reviewed 117 abstracts this year, which was a great increase from the past few years. We also had 100% engagement from the review committee. The positive energy is strong around making our next conference the best one yet. We are excited that the new submission system worked well and we are eager to discuss how we can continue to refine our systems for submission and review to ensure that our conference is full of content that reflects our mission and values.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
This year, we’ve been prioritizing hands-on work from all committee members. In the past, the same individuals took on lead roles; however, this year, with the restructuring of meetings and responsibilities, all members are making individual contributions towards specific tasks that are tied to our priorities. There are subgroups that also allow for more collaborative work. There has been success in identifying presenters for the member-of-color meet ups, developing a robust shared excel document outlining the various Historically Black Colleges and Universities., Hispanic-Serving Institutions, Tribal and Community Colleges/Universities, and presenting on health equity to membership.

Patient and Family Experience
The Patient and Family Experience Committee is continuing to work towards planning of the Emotional Safety Summitt II happening in June of 2023.

Pre-Internship Workgroup
The Pre-Internship Working Group comprehensively reviewed previously created and unreleased pre-internship learning modules, with a particular focus on DEI. DEI topics and resources are now interwoven throughout all five modules. The working group aligned the modules to the KSAs, with curriculum inclusive of pre-internship experiences in healthcare and other community-based settings. 

The committee is currently undergoing an audit of all ACLP publications which will be used to determine and prioritize which publications should be revised or sunsetted in the future.
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