

Meet Lauren Holley, CCLS

ACLP Bulletin | Winter 2023 | VOL. 41 No. 1

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Lauren Holley
Name: Lauren Holley

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Title: Professional Development Specialist

Location: Child Life On Call and instructor
at the local technical college, Athens, GA

Committee / Committee Role: Education
and Training Committee - Committee

Lauren Holley, CCLS
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How long have you been a volunteer with ACLP; have you served on other committees

Volunteer since June 2022, first time ACLP volunteer

Why did you want to become a volunteer with ACLP?
I wanted to help fi x things and be a part of the change. I enjoy working with students and in academics and want to give them a voice. I was a clinical CCLS and can bring that perspective to the ACLP as well.

What’s your favorite part of volunteering with ACLP?
I enjoy learning from others in the field. There are such various experience levels in my committee, so I enjoy hearing what others are doing, what’s going well, what are the challenges, etc. I like to listen to others and learn about different experiences throughout the field.

If you could offer advice to a new volunteer, what would you say?
Do it! There are so many different committees, that there is something that is interesting to everyone and you can meet so many different people from different place and situations.

What is one thing you’ve learned as a volunteer?

I learned that there are so many people on my committee that are very passionate, and that’s been exciting to see how many people are advocating for students and the student experience.

What is one fun fact you would like the child life community to know about you:
In college, I studied in London and had an internship at a daycare.
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