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Last month, ACLP Board leadership and ACLP executive staff visited the child life program at UC San Diego Health in California. During the tour, leadership learned about how a team of three child life specialists provide services for children and adults across two campus locations. Much insight was gained into how the program provides support to children being treated in the burn or trauma center as well as patients who are receiving palliative care.

UCSD site visit group photo

The child life team also shared how they collaborate with the multidisciplinary team to provide support for adult patients who may benefit from psychosocial interventions, such as those with traumatic brain injuries or developmental needs. Leadership was impressed by the program’s commitment to patient care, utilization of resources, and expanding the impact of child life services through innovative ways.

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We sincerely thank the child life team at UC San Diego Health for hosting ACLP leadership and executive staff. It was a great opportunity to learn about the program’s evolvement and hear their perspectives about current developments in the field.

Child Life Profession