Chicago Navy Pier 2019


2018ChildLifeRegisterButtonOrangee54e26(145pxby20px) Event App

Sponsorship Events

Networking events are an important part of the attendee conference experience. Sponsor one of these events and make a memorable impression on attendees. Learn more about the Child Life Annual Conference networking events.

See Sponsorship Levels and Sponsored Branded Items for additional opportunities to support the child life community and increase awareness of your brand.

You may sponsor the Child Life Annual Conference online or complete and return a Sponsorship Commitment Form.

Please note: New sponsors should use the Sponsorship Commitment Form or contact Bea Wikander at or 571-483-4493 for assistance.

Event Sponsor Benefits

Student Panel Event


Breakfast or Lunch in Exhibit Hall

Closing General Session


Welcome Reception

Opening General Session

Logo in Conference App      
x x x x
Logo in ACLP Bulletin x x x    x   
Logo on Conference Sponsor Web Page x x x
Logo on Event Signage on-site   
Logo on Sponsor Signage on-site  x
Logo in Opening Session slides  x
Logo in Closing Session slides 
Company give-away or flyer displayed on tables or chairs (supplied and distributed by sponsor)  
Sponsor Presentation/Announcement     
One-time use of ACLP conference attendee mailing list pre- or post-conference (mailing address, not email)       x
1 Full-Conference Registration       
2 Full-Conference Registrations       x  
3 Full-Conference Registrations         
4 Full-Conference Registrations         
Logo on napkins         

All benefits subject to availability, meeting deadlines, and materials being reviewed and approved by ACLP.

Professional Development